Key Terms: Pharmacy Law

Key Terms: Pharmacy Law

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Key Terms: Pharmacy Law 10 6 99
Controlled Substances - Drugs are chemicals whose possession and use are regulated under the Federal Controlled Substances Act and by state controlled substance laws and regulations. Controlled substances are subject to stricter regulations than other prescription and non-prescription drugs.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA): The federal agency that administers and enforces federal laws for controlled substances such as narcotics and other dangerous drugs and illegal substances. The DEA is part of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Legend Drug - A drug that is required by federal law to be dispensed by prescription only. It is the old term for drugs that are now identified as “Rx Only”.

Prescription Monitoring Programs (PMPs): or prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) are state-run programs that store and distribute prescriptions for federally controlled substances. These serve physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, dentists and other prescribers, as well as law-enforcement agencies, and support legitimate medical use of controlled substances while limiting drug abuse and diversion.


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